About Mona
What began 16 years ago as a volunteering effort at a private, non-profit animal sanctuary in Los Angeles, turned into a personal, heartfelt project that took me on an eight-year creative endeavor to develop my Mona Bag. I was first inspired to create a product that would contribute to lessening the amount of plastic bags entering our landfills, ecosystems, oceans and being ingested by wildlife. As I began creating the first Mona Bag it simply made sense that a percentage of proceeds from each bag go to help support the animal sanctuary known as The Wildlife Waystation which survives only on private donations and receives no government funding. I worked independently trying to find a manufacturer who could fulfill my vision of an attractive, practical, multi-use, wallet sized design that could store multiple bags and act as a grocery tote when fully opened. I wanted a product that could handily fit in a purse or backpack instead of being stored, out of reach, in your back seat or trunk until needed. It had to be easy to open, unfold, then fold back together for ease of use. The result is my Mona Bag which maximizes a shoppers' ability to carry their purchases without utilizing store bags every time they shop. This ultimately prevents more non-biodegradable plastic bags from entering nature and you'll save on fees to buy the store's plastic bags. When fully opened, the Mona Bag acts as a hot/cold tote and has a convenient, zippered pocket for debit/credit cards, driver's license, keys or cell phone. If you need extra bags you will find three more in a separate pocket that is safely tucked behind the zippered pocket preventing them from falling out as you shop. One of my favorite assets of the Mona Bag is the leopard print which represents "Mia", one of our many stunning exotic animals who call the Wildlife Waystation "their forever home". I have future plans to incorporate a variety of "star" animal prints that match more of our sanctuary residents. (See Product Description for details).
Thank you for your interest in my Mona Bag and please consider buying one for yourself or a gift for your family members, friends or co-workers. It's a marvelous design and 20% of the proceeds from each bag sold will be your contribution to helping the environment and the animals.
(Mindful Of Nature and Animals)