Plastic Pollution
The Mona Bag helps cut down the use of plastic bags which helps save our environment and the animals from getting trapped in it. Majority of items we buy contain plastic because it is strong, flexible, and relatively cheap for manufacturers. However, it has a tremendous negative impact on the world we live in. All our beaches, oceans, parks, streets contain plastic waste that is taking away from nature’s beauty and harming the ecosystem. Nearly all littered plastic ends up in our ocean, and plastic bags take over 10 years to decompose. The United Nations Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution (GESAMP) estimated that 60 to 90 percent of ocean wastes are from plastic debris. There are what’s known as “garbage patches” in the sea where all the plastic litter accumulates in the ocean vortices. Which become so enormous they are considered floating islands. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is more than double the size of Texas. Small plastic pellets can become toxic by absorbing contaminants from the sea water, which animals ingest and die from. As you see, humanity is destroying Mother Nature. To find out more visit: